Dismantle Systemic Racism

Like many American institutions, CICF and its affiliates have centered around the experiences and perspectives of white people for more than 100 years. The foundation is committed to becoming a fully inclusive, anti-racist and multicultural organization moving forward.

  • CICF defines systemic racism as policies and practices upheld and perpetuated by institutions that benefit the people who are white at the exclusion of people of color.
  • CICF has an internal committee focused on educating staff about systemic racism and addressing racist policies. Learn more about this group.


  • Developing more inclusive and comprehensive hiring polices for staff and vendors
  • Educating staff, board and community members about systemic racism, activism and other anti-racist trainings
  • Convening an opportunity, equity and inclusion advisory committee to the foundation that provides counsel, accountability, advocacy and community connections
  • Commissioning a community-wide equity index and attitudinal study every five years

Learn more about this leadership initiative from Brian Payne, president and CEO.