Email Campaign Request Please use this form to submit your request for an email campaign to be built. Email Communication Request Form Your name This is who will be responsible for managing any updates/changes regarding the email request. Date Campaign is Needed Email(s) Send Date Is there an already-existing campaign we should base this campaign off of? NOTE: Even if you fill out this textbox, please answer the audience questions below. We will reference the already-existing campaign's audience to make sure we're not missing anyone. CICF Audience (Check All that apply) Staff Ambassadors OEI Advisory Council Board DAF Fundholders Charitable Org Fundholders Scholarship Fundholders Grant Applicants Grant Recipients Not-for-profit Leadership Contacts PALC Cornerstone Heritage Circle Society Inspiring Philanthropy Newsletter Professional Advisors Newsletter Attendees of previous event(s) OtherOther TIF Audience (Check All that apply) Staff Board DAF Fundholders Charitable Org Fundholders Scholarship Fundholders Grant Applicants Grant Recipients NFP Leadership Contacts Attendees of previous event(s) OtherOther Which CICF/IF Charitable Org fundholders should be sent the email? Select all that apply. Primary Fund Rep Interested Party - Yes Grantmaking Interested Party - No Grantmaking Grantmaking Committee Which CICF/IF Scholarship fundholders should be sent the email? Select all that apply. Primary Fund Rep Interested Party - Yes Grantmaking Interested Party - No Grantmaking Grantmaking Committee Which CICF/IF DAF fundholders should be sent the email? Select all that apply. Primary Fund Rep Interested Party - Yes Grantmaking Interested Party - No Grantmaking Grantmaking Committee HCCF Audience (Check All that apply) Staff Board DAF Fundhholders Charitable Org Fundholders Scholarship Fundholders Grant Applicants Grant Recipients Attendees of previous event(s) Not-for-profits OtherOther Which HCCF DAF fundholders should be sent the email? Select all that apply. Primary Fund Rep Interested Party - Yes Grantmaking Interested Party - No Grantmaking Grantmaking Committee Which HCCF Charitable Org fundholders should be sent the email? Select all that apply. Primary Fund Rep Interested Party - Yes Grantmaking Interested Party - No Grantmaking Grantmaking Committee Which HCCF Scholarship fundholders should be sent the email? Select all that apply. Primary Fund Rep Interested Party - Yes Grantmaking Interested Party - No Grantmaking Grantmaking Committee WF Audience (Check All that apply) Staff Advisory Board Go Fund Fundholders Charitable Org Fundholders Grant Applicants Grant Recipients Women's Fund Newsletter OPTIONS Current Class OPTIONS Alumnae EWOCL Current Class Sage Society Donors OtherOther Which WF Go Fund DAF fundholders should be sent the email? Select all that apply. Primary Fund Rep Interested Party - Yes Grantmaking Interested Party - No Grantmaking Grantmaking Committee Which WF Charitable Org fundholders should be sent the email? Select all that apply. Primary Fund Rep Interested Party - Yes Grantmaking Interested Party - No Grantmaking Grantmaking Committee Which grant rounds should we use to pull grant applicants from? Please explain in detail. Which grant rounds should we use to pull grant recipients from and what years should we include (if one or more of the grant rounds is a multi-year program)? Please explain in detail. Should the not-for-profit contacts just be Executive Directors and Presidents, or should we include all director-level and above staff members? Just Executive Directors/Presidents All Director-level and above staff Which counties should we use to pull not-for-profit contacts? Marion Co. Hamilton Co. Both Marion Co. and Hamilton Co. Event Communication 1st Evite 2nd Evite Reminder 1 Reminder 2 Follow Up Any additional emailsAny additional emails Does a Formidable form need to be connected? If so list the name of form below. Which event campaign are we pulling individuals from, which years should we include (if it's a multi-year event), and who from the previous campaign should be included (RSVP-Yes, Attended, all invitees, etc.). Please explain in detail. Additional Comments If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit