MVMT10K Learning Pathway content collector MVMT10K learning pathway content Your name * This is who will be responsible for managing any updates/changes regarding the web request. Your email address * Type of content * online article or blog online video podcast or audio file book movie/documentary training Please provide the link to for the content * Name of book or movie Select which learning pathway this content best supports. * Intro/Getting started How did we get here?—the history of institutional and systemic racism Where are we now?—how systems continue to hold people back today Moving from guilt and shame into activating your power for change Understanding intersectionality No Days Off—the commitment to a life’s practice to anti-racism unsure Select all categories or themes featured in this content. Housing Education Criminal Legal System Racial Wealth Gap Implicit Bias Intersectionality Allyship History Perseverance/Self-care White Fragility White Privilege/White Advantage What date was this content published, released or last updated? * How long would you estimate it take for someone to read/watch/listen to this? * What best describes this piece? Informational and focused on data Editorial and focused on the human experience A blend of both Is this piece written or created by a person of color? Does it center the Black perspective and experience? Yes No Unsure Does this piece have the likelihood of stirring up strong emotions that people should be aware of in advance? (ex. images of violence, strong language, dedication of energy to acknowledge those lost to violence, etc.) Yes No Unsure Please provide why you think this would be a resource in advancing understanding in racial equity. * What are some areas of self-reflection that movers should consider after engaging with this touchstone? Please provide any other additional information. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit