Systemic Racism: Today’s Data

A look at the numbers

The following touchstones will provide data and statistics representing systemic racism within each of our society’s major systems. This evidence will come from data on Central Indiana, Marion and Hamilton counties, in order to show how systemic racism affects BIPOC today. 

  The following data is available through SAVI, which is an online community information system. Basically, they combine U.S. Census Data, the American Community Survey, and more into an intuitive and easy-to-use database for people to understand their community better. If you want to explore SAVI on your own, you can visit their website here.

Population of Marion and Hamilton County by Race (2020) 

Marion County27.2%13.2%4.1%50.5%
Hamilton County4.2%5.2%6.8%79.2%


  • Hamilton County has a significantly smaller percentage of BIPOC people (20%) compared to Marion County (50%). 
  • Hamilton County has a higher percentage of White individuals (80%) than Marion County (50%). 

Central Indiana and Education

Racial Equity (2019): people of color with a degree per White person with a degree

Racial EquityCompared to the State
Marion County0.560.82
Hamilton County1.020.82

Public HS Graduation Rates (2020) 

Marion County82.7%83.2%93.8%82.7%
Hamilton County89.9%90.6%98.7%94.9%


  • In Marion County, for every person of color with a degree, there are 2 white people with degrees. 
  • In Marion County, there is less racial equity in education than in the rest of the state. 
  • In Hamilton County, for every White person with a degree, there is also a person of color with a degree. (Keep in mind that in Hamilton County only 20% of their population is Non-White) 

Central Indiana and Housing

Housing Cost Burden (2019): % of households spending 30% or more on Housing

Housing Cost BurdenedCompared to the State
Marion County33%24%
Hamilton County19%24%

Eviction Rate (2016): evictions per renter-occupied unit 

Eviction RateCompared to the State
Marion County0.070.04
Hamilton County0.020.04


  • In Marion County, 1/3 of residents are spending 30% or more on their housing vs. The rest of the state, which has ¼ of residents spending 30% or more on their housing 
  • In Hamilton County, fewer residents are burdened by their housing costs than Marion County residents. 
  • In Marion County, more people are evicted than in the rest of the state. 
  • In Hamilton County, the eviction rate is half of what the state eviction rate is. 

Central Indiana and Mental/Physical Health

Poor Mental Health Days (2018):

Poor Mental Health DaysCompared to the State
Marion County4.9/304.7/30
Hamilton County3.9/304.7/30

Poor Physical Health Days (2018) 

Poor Physical Health DaysCompared to the State
Marion County4.3/304.0/30
Hamilton County3/304.0/30

Population Without Health Insurance (2019) 

Marion County10%28%10%7%
Hamilton County2%16%3%4%

Life Expectancy (2015) 

Life ExpectancyCompared to the State
Marion County76.277.2
Hamilton County81.877.2


  • In Marion County, residents have an additional day of poor mental health per month than Hamilton County residents. 
  • Marion County residents have about one more day of poor physical health per month than Hamilton County residents. 
  • Marion County has a higher percentage of residents without insurance than Hamilton County, across all races. 
  • The life expectancy for Hamilton County residents is 5 years higher than that of Marion County residents.
  • Marion County residents have a lower life expectancy than the rest of the state of Indiana. 

Central Indiana and the Workforce/Wealth Gap

Racial Equity in Income: People of Color in poverty per White person in poverty (2019)

Racial EquityIndiana
Marion County2.022.14
Hamilton County2.062.14

Unemployment by Race (2019) 

Marion County11.4%4.5%3.4%4.4%
Hamilton County5.0%3.9%0.7%2.7%

Medium Household Income by Race (2019) 

Marion County$34,686 $37,730 $52,568 $58,269
Hamilton County$74,859 $71,765 $116,387 $99,486

Poverty Rate 

County RateState Rate
Marion County18%13%
Hamilton County5%13%


  • In both Marion and Hamilton counties (and for the state of Indiana as a whole), for every white person in poverty, there are about 2 people of color in poverty. 
  • Marion county has higher unemployment rates than Hamilton County, across all races. 
  • However, the largest unemployment gap is within the Black population (11% in Marion County and 5% in Hamilton County). 
  • The medium household income in Hamilton County is about double the medium household income of Marion County. 
  • The poverty rate in Marion County is over triple Hamilton County’s unemployment rate. 

Central Indiana and Mass Incarceration/Crime

Property Crime Rates (2016) 

Marion CountyHamilton County
Property Crime Rate (per 1000) 48.27.9

Violent Crime Rates (2016) 

Marion CountyHamilton County
Violent Crime Rate (per 1000) 13.30.3


  • The property crime rate in Marion County is over 6x Hamilton County’s property crime rate. 
  • The violent crime rate in Marion County is about 44x Hamilton County’s violent crime rate. 
  • Consider the resources available in Hamilton County vs. Marion County