Special Event Season Is Here! What’s Next? 
-John Mainella & Michael Pettry  Principals, Cape Fletcher Associates and consulting partners of CICF   The season of special events is squarely upon us in Central Indiana. Whether springtime galas, summer golfing events (fore!), or the increasingly popular breakfast fundraiser, most organizations are in the midst of special event season. But special events are a lot of work. […]Read More.
2021: Our Road to Equity—a Year in Review
2020 was a year filled with unique challenges, some that were incredibly unexpected and others that were previously ignored by too many for too long. Within these challenges is profound tragedy and loss. There also lies an incredible opportunity to collectively learn how we as a community—and as a foundation—can do better. This year has proven that our commitment to equity and reconciliation is in direct alignment with what is needed to make our community in Central Indiana a place where …Read More.
Support Hurricane Relief Efforts

Support Hurricane Relief Efforts

Many Central Indiana residents have reached out to us asking how they can help with disaster relief for our community members impacted by the recent hurricanes.

We've assembled a list of vetted community foundation and not-for-profits disaster relief funds.