159 students received new or renewable scholarships for 2017-2018
Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) and its affiliates, The Indianapolis Foundation and Legacy Fund, serving Hamilton County, awarded 159 scholarships totaling nearly $1.1 million for the 2017-2018 academic year. Recipients received up to $20,000 and were chosen by multiple committees comprised of donors and community volunteers. A total of 41 scholarship funds created by donors at CICF and its affiliates made awards. Of those, 13 community scholarships were awarded by The Indianapolis Foundation and Legacy Fund totaling $188,000.
Scholarship programs are an important leg of CICF’s college readiness and success initiative, in which the organization seeks to help more students enroll and succeed in obtaining a post-secondary degree or certificate. In a 2015 analysis of CICF scholars, 51 percent of CICF scholars completed their post-secondary education. Comparatively, Lumina recently reported in a study, Stronger Nation that only 41 percent of Indiana students completed a degree, ranking the state 42nd in the nation for degree attainment.
Through the college readiness and success initiative, CICF is funding opportunities that build college-going aspirations as early as kindergarten to increase the likelihood of success and degree attainment after high school. For example, CICF convened local partners and provided initial funding for Marion County Promise, which engages youth with college-readiness programing, visits to college campuses, $25 to open a CollegeChoice 529 Direct account and up to $75 in matching dollars.
Programs such as Marion County Promise pair well with CICF scholarships because they equip students with the tools, and most importantly, mindset, necessary to persist and obtain degrees or certificates. Many of the CICF scholarship recipients announced today are involved in college-readiness programs throughout Central Indiana. Additionally, all CICF scholarship recipients will participate in a college-readiness workshop this July.
All scholarship opportunities for the 2018-2019 academic year can be viewed at cicf.org/scholarships starting August 1. Decisions for several scholarships managed by CICF have not been announced and are not included in this announcement. Lilly Endowment Community Scholarships, managed by The Indianapolis Foundation and Legacy Fund, affiliates of CICF, were announced and awarded in December 2016.
Congratulations to the 2017-2018 CICF Scholarship Recipients
Associated General Contractors of Indiana, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Benjamin Bezold
Anthony Bruce
Robert Steele
Levi Taylor
Carol Warnecke Scholarship Fund
Chevon Maddix
Carter-Lee Legacy Scholarship Fund
Dinah Ferguson
Luke Smoot
Church Church Hittle and Antrim Scholarship Fund
Grace Dean
Clifford and Marvin Bailey Scholarship Fund
Alex Gipson
Community Charter Network Scholarship Fund
Ja’Wanda Breedlove
Christian McKinley
Brooklyn Taylor
Debbie Holwager Memorial Scholarship Fund
Van Hnem
Zai Par
Gerry and Sherry Fortner Education Endowed Scholarship Fund
Abby Meredith
Indiana Constructors, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Curran Adamson
Benjamin Bezold
Brandon Hardin
Ian LaTulippe
Kristopher Marshall
Scott Schleter
Erika Shellenberger
Robert Steele
Hope Williamson
Breann Wilson
Indiana Mortgage Bankers Education Scholarship Fund
Luke Black
Caroline Harris
Justin Smith
Indiana National Tooling and Machining Association Scholarship Fund
David All
Brock Carter
John Fisher
Luke Fleck
Insley-Mayer Scholarship Fund
Margaret VanSchaik
Janet Wray and Mary Jean Lawhorn Wollenweber Scholarship Fund
Daniela Lopez
Jason Baker Public Safety Endowed Scholarship Fund
Darian Lewellen
Jacob Lusby
Owen Richardson
Joe Booker Endowed Scholarship Fund for Limited Government and Judeo Christian Values
Luke Betts
Jacob Heinzman
Karly Kantner
Paulina Kurek
Joshua Lasley
Joselin Romero
Aaron Tharp
Grace Weeks
Joel Yonover Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ani Arzumanian
Chava Bunes
Miriam Fakhoury
Paige Mecyssine
Joseph B. and Frieda G. Farwick Scholarship Fund
Avery Bundy
Alicia Hollingsworth
Joyce H. Cline Education Endowment Fund
Avery Bundy
Kenneth Burnell
Robert Burnell
Karlie Dickerson
Catherine Gibson
Alex Gipson
Woodbury Glidden
Kaitlin Halvorsen
James Scolley
Haylie Turpin
Victoria Zetterberg
Karl T. Harford Good Samaritan Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ashley Nichols
Brock Sanders
Bethany Sink
Kiley Marschand 4-H Scholarship Fund
Natalie Watson
La Plaza Scholarship Fund
Oscar Aca Saucedo
Ruby Flores Camacho
Andres Mares
Fredi Morales
Jocelyn Moreno Diaz
Legacy Fund Community Scholarship Fund
Jacob Fulton
Abigail Heinzmann
Damon Kintner
Jackie Myers
Major Richard L. Ridder Memorial Scholarship Fund
Braden Buck

Mexican Scholarship Fund
Adolfo Acuna
Diana Arreola
Yuritzi Cardiel
Maria Cervantes
Mariana Duarte-Diaz
Ruby Flores Camacho
Betsy Hernandez
Yozabeth Jimenez
Daniela Lopez
Moises Lopez Soltero
Andres Mares
Marlene Martinez
Fredi Morales
Sandy Rivera
Karina Rodriguez Sanchez
Joselin Romero
Melissa Ruiz
Dariana Salinas
Aracely Salmoran
Dulce Santiago
Tarcisio Trujillo Talavera
Michael and Anna Kurty Endowed Scholarship Fund for Students of Engineering
Molly Cooper
Jesus Marcial
Jose Maya-Rodriguez
Mitchell Mott
Mildred B. Price Nursing Scholarship Fund
Rebecca Lupie
R. B. Annis Scholarship Fund
Leonardo Arriola
Reach Your Potential Scholarship Fund
Cameron Bails
Woodbury Glidden
Rebecca Lupie
Chevon Maddix
Jose Maya-Rodriguez
Bianca Salgado
Ngun Sung
Gloria Turner
Sallie Mae Scholarship Endowment Fund
Honor Cosby
Sheridan Community Schools Scholarship Foundation Fund
Avery Bundy
Kenneth Burnell
Robert Burnell
Karlie Dickerson
Emma Feeney
Catherine Gibson
Alex Gipson
Woodbury Glidden
Kaitlin Halvorsen
James Scolley
Sociedad Amigos De Colombia De Indiana Inc. Scholarship Fund
Adolfo Acuna
Naomi Castellon-Perez
Maria Chavez
Moises Lopez Soltero
Jesus Marcial
Andres Mares
Fredi Morales
Joselin Romero
Tarcisio Trujillo Talavera
Steve Sallee Scholarship Fund
Joselin Romero
Steve Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jacob Campbell
Kayla Smith
TeenWorks Scholarship Fund
Cameron Bails
Edwin Betancourt
Ja’Wanda Breedlove
Maria Cervantes
Jaina Cox
Yuliza Elliot
Jasmine Johnson
Heather Whorton
Terry L. Hunsucker Endowed Scholarship Fund
Austin Lawrence
The Indianapolis Foundation Community Scholarship Fund
Angela Cer Chin Par
Maria Cervantes
Liwam Gebreslassie
Kennedi Gilbert
Raven Harvey
Roberto Lopez
Joselin Romero
Melissa Ruiz
Monica Vilma
The Reeves Foundation Scholarship Fund
Cailin Smith
Viola Pfaff Bowman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sara Lopez
Walter Blackburn Scholarship Fund
Ezequiel Gonzalez
Wilbur L. Appel, Sr. and Gertrude S. Appel Scholarship Fund
Jennah Koenig
Wings to Fly II Scholarship Fund
Justus Coleman
Madeline Compton
Isabelle Matthies
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