Nearly $3 million distributed to 30 organizations throughout Indianapolis
Today, Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) and the City of Indianapolis announced the newest recipients of the Violent Crime Reduction Grant Program. Thirty organizations will receive a total of $2,897,000 for projects that develop and implement integrated, evidence-based practices to prevent and reduce crime in Indianapolis. The Indianapolis Foundation, an affiliate of CICF, administers these grants using criteria and funding allocated annually by the Indianapolis City-County Council.

Mayor Joe Hogsett
“We all have a role to play in violence reduction, and equipping grassroots organizations with the tools they need to succeed ensures we address this crisis at all levels.”
The program defines crime prevention as “any effort that seeks to reduce initial or chronic interaction with criminal and/or juvenile justice systems and increase the safety of Indianapolis residents and their neighborhoods by reducing risk factors or increasing protective factors.”
“These grant dollars empower those who know our neighborhoods best,” said Mayor Joe Hogsett. “We all have a role to play in violence reduction, and equipping grassroots organizations with the tools they need to succeed ensures we address this crisis at all levels.”

Alicia Collins
Grant recipients work with and supplement the City’s first-ever community violence reduction team, who connect at-risk perpetrators or victims of violence to resources. Powered by American Rescue Plan funding passed by the City-County Council in September, Mayor Hogsett’s violence reduction plan includes more than $150 million in violence reduction programming, including $45 million over the next three years to grassroots funding. Application deadlines for the increased 2022 grant funding will be announced in early 2022.
“Creating pathways to domestic violence reduction, youth mental health, and early intervention support for juveniles is crucial in the overall strategy of disrupting crime in our community,” said Alicia Collins, director of community leadership at CICF.
New to this year’s program was additional funding from the City to support community programming initiatives focused specifically on domestic violence reduction, youth mental health, and early intervention to support juveniles. Some of the programs receiving that support include:
The Domestic Violence Network ($105,500) – The Self-Sufficiency Fund provides financial assistance to remove the immediate barrier preventing an individual experiencing domestic violence from leaving an abusive situation and to work towards independence and self-sufficiency.
National Alliance for Mental Illness Indianapolis Inc. ($66,000) – The program provides a cognitive-behavioral program for teens ages 12-17 to increase coping skills and reduce stress related to academics, peer pressure, interpersonal conflict, and identity.
Warren Arts & Education Foundation Inc. ($125,000) – An early intervention program ensuring students who are calling for attention and/or who exhibit early and progressive signs of disengagement from schools and formal systems are identified, supported, and diverted from the juvenile justice system.
The recipients of these grants clearly demonstrate immediate intentionality around crime prevention and support programs using proven or promising strategies that:
- Focus on integrated, evidence-based outreach activities through discrete activities, active violence disruption, and community canvassing/outreach that targets, engages, and involves hard-to-reach populations connected to gun violence-related activities
- Provide intervention services to youth ages 16-24 and adults ages 24-30 currently interacting with the criminal justice system and connecting them to community-based services to build the necessary infrastructure to prevent violent crimes in Indianapolis. Recipients should be capable of delivering measurable results in the areas of employment and job retention for the population(s) of focus
- Improve neighborhood safety within IMPD’s patrol districts through community mobilization efforts to reduce or prevent crime in a specific geographical area
- Partner with public agencies (The Office of Public Health & Safety, law enforcement, courts, probation, and parole) to help or prevent crime in our community
GRANTS awarded from Violent Crime Prevention Grants Program
Believers United In Local Development (BUILD) | BUILD crime reduction through workforce development | Prevention | $100,000 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis | PIVOT Re-Engagement Center Program | Violence Reduction | $75,000 |
Brookside Community Development Corporation | Isaiah House and Therapy Group Expansion | Intervention | $63,000 |
Community Action of Greater Indianapolis, Inc. | We CANN MOVE 2022 | Neighborhood-Based Strategies | $175,000 |
Eclectic Soul VOICES Corporation | Power and Promise Community Collaboration | Intervention | $150,000 |
Eskenazi Health Foundation | Eskenazi Health Prescription for Hope | Violence Reduction | $100,000 |
Eskenazi Health Foundation | Indy HeartBeat at Eskenazi Health | Prevention | $ 100,000 |
Flanner House of Indianapolis, Inc. | Flanner House Crime Prevention Program | Intervention | $100,000 |
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee | Marion County Reentry Coalition | Intervention | $75,000 |
Horizon House, Inc. | Re-entry: Homeless to Housed | Intervention | $88,500 |
Indianapolis Ten Point Coalition | Indianapolis Ten Point Coalition Expansion | Violence Reduction | $60,000 |
John H. Boner Community Center | Rapid Response Reentry Program | Intervention | $87,500 |
Keys2Work | Keys2 Resilient YOUng Adults | Intervention | $75,000 |
Mackida Loveal & Trip Mentoring Outreach Center | R.O.A.R (RESILIENTLY OVERCOMING ADVERSITIES RISE) | Intervention | $175,000 |
PACE, Inc. | Violence Crime Prevention Through Effective Re-entry | Intervention | $75,000 |
Pathway Resource Center, Inc. | Project HOT (Helping Others Transform) | Neighborhood-Based Strategies | $133,600 |
SILENT NO MORE INC | The Covering | Violence Reduction | $81,400 |
Step-Up, Inc. | Forensic Social Work in Action: Violence Prevention Services at Step-Up, Inc. | Intervention | $111,000 |
Stop the Violence Indianapolis, Inc. | Next Man Up | Violence Reduction | $125,000 |
Thomas Ridley’s 1 Like Me | Thomas Ridley’s 1 Like Me Crime Prevention 2.0 x 2 – Investing in Human and Social Capital | Intervention | $125,000 |
Trusted Mentors | Mentoring to Reduce Recidivism | Intervention | $50,000 |
Workforce, Inc dba RecycleForce | From Prisoner to Citizen | Intervention | $75,000 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis | Community Diversion Program | Early Intervention | $75,500 |
Peace Learning Center | Restorative Juvenile Justice Initiative | Early Intervention | $125,000 |
Warren Arts and Education Foundation Inc | CICF Violence Prevention Grant 2021 -2022 | Early Intervention | $125,000 |
Edna Martin Christian Center | Overcoming the stigma of mental health, discrimination, and violence through art, counseling, and skilling up!!! | Youth Mental Health | $60,000 |
NAMI INDIANAPOLIS INC | Helping Teens Build Healthy Coping Skills | Youth Mental Health | $ 66,000 |
Reach For Youth, Inc | Preventing Crime and Recidivism through Trauma-Informed Mental Health Counseling and Positive Youth Development Services | Youth Mental Health | $60,000 |
Coburn Place Safe Haven | Crisis Response and Flex Funds | Domestic Violence Intervention | $80,500 |
The Domestic Violence Network (DVN) | Self-Sufficiency Fund for Domestic Violence Survivors | Domestic Violence Intervention | $105,500 |
$2,897,500 |
ABOUT THe Violent Crime Prevention Grants Program
In August 2006, the Community Crime Prevention task force was convened to study the root causes of crime in the community, determine the types of programs most likely to prevent crime or effectively intervene in the lives of those at risk of criminal behavior, and make recommendations about how the community could prevent crime in the future. At the request of the City-County Council in April 2013, The Indianapolis Foundation, an affiliate of Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF), entered into a contract with the City of Indianapolis to manage the Community Crime Prevention Grant program (renamed as the Violent Crime Prevention Grants Program after the Council’s passage of Proposal 69 this year). The Indianapolis Foundation has worked to create a process that is transparent and holistic in its approach of administering public resources to achieve the greatest public impact. Learn more about the Violent Crime Prevention Grants Program.
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