156 students received new or renewable scholarships for 2018-2019
Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) and its affiliates, The Indianapolis Foundation and Legacy Fund, serving Hamilton County, awarded 156 scholarships totaling over $1.2 million for the 2018-2019 academic year. Recipients received up to $40,000 and were chosen by multiple committees comprised of donors and community volunteers. A total of 39 scholarship funds created by donors at CICF and its affiliates made awards.
Scholarship programs are an important piece of CICF’s commitment to increase students’ chances of academic and financial success. By 2020, 60 percent of all jobs will require post-secondary education or training. Knowing this, CICF has expanded its focus from colleges and universities to include technical, vocational, and trade schools. Scholarships are available to current high schoolers and college students, as well as those not currently enrolled in a program.
All scholarship opportunities for the 2019-2020 academic year can be viewed at here starting Aug. 1.
Scholarship funds that have not yet made awards include:
- Church, Church, Hittle and Antrim Scholarship
- Smith Family ASAP Scholarship
- Two Oaks Scholarship
- Crooked Stick Endowed Scholarship.
Congratulations to the 2018-2019 CICF scholarship recipients!
Associated General Contractors of Indiana, Inc. (AGCI) Scholarship Fund
Erin McCreary
Zuleima Reveles
Ryan Stevenson
Butler University Black Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ghemaiya Bradley
Carol and Hugh Warnecke Teacher Scholarship Fund
Andrew Friesen
Carter-Lee Legacy Scholarship Fund
Samuel Allen
Sara Englert
Community Charter Network Scholarship Fund
Simisola Akinrinsola
Marlene Martinez Calderon
Ronald Nelson
Mariah Pearson
Abeo Peterson
Debbie Holwager Memorial Fund
Sara Laithang
Kaylie Turner
Gerry and Sherry Fortner Education Endowed Scholarship Fund
Andrew Friesen
Indiana Constructors, Inc. Endowed Scholarship Fund
Curran Adamson
Katherine Disney
Matthew Furiak
Zachary Kinder
Justin Owens
Zuleima Reveles
Norberto Rodriguez Salgado
Indiana Mortgage Bankers Education Scholarship Fund
Alena Finnell
Rosalia Ochoa
Brittany Slack
Indiana National Tooling and Machining Association (INTMA) Scholarship Fund
David All
Luke Fleck
Heath Rumple
Janet Wray and Mary Jean Lawhorn Wollenweber Scholarship Fund
Saul Martinez
Joe Booker Endowed Scholarship Fund for Limited Government and Judeo Christian Values
Micah Morita-Mullaney
Steven Platt
Andrew Pollert
Isaac Ray
Riley Tindal
Joel Yonover Endowed Scholarship Fund
Chloe Jancosek
Sophie Langfitt
Soren Sandstrom
Alexandria Shinkan
Joseph B. and Frieda G. Farwick Scholarship Fund
Austen Ehrie
Emma Tomaszewski
Joyce H. Cline Education Endowment Fund
Rachel Adams
Tabitha Allen
Craig Atkinson
Garrett Davis
Josaphine DeVaney
Austen Ehrie
Emma Hawn
Joseph Hopper
Wyatt Reed
Emma Tomaszewski
Nixon Williams
Renee Zachery
Karl T. Harford Good Samaritan Endowed Scholarship Fund
Maddy Gross
Bria Matemane
Brock Sanders
Kiley Marschand 4-H Scholarship Fund
Kylie Rose
Kurt Kahlo Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Meghana Reddy
La Plaza Scholarship Fund
Grecia Calleja-Inzunza
Leonardo Carnicelli
Cristian Chavez
Santiago Duque Pareja
Jose Loyo
Legacy Fund Community Scholarship Fund
Cody Kantor
Audrey Pham
Wyatt Reed
Joshua Watson
Major Richard L. Ridder Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lauren Miller
Mexican Scholarship Fund
Oscar Aca Saucedo
Annie Acevedo
Jennifer Argumedo
Grecia Calleja-Inzunza
Juan De La Torre
Oscar De Los Santos
Santiago Duque Pareja
Roxana Juarez
Jose Loyo
Aylin Montes
Lisett Navarrete
Laura Patron-Leon
Anghy Ramos
Maria Rodas
Ivan Rodriguez Penaloza
Esmeralda Velasco Garcia
Jennifer Vergara
Michael and Anna Kurty Endowed Scholarship Fund
Aaron Banks
Jose Loyo
Whitney Valtierra
Mildred B. Price Nursing Scholarship Fund
Riley Tindal
B. Annis Scholarship Fund
Norberto Rodriguez Salgado
Reach Your Potential Scholarship Fund
Aaron Banks
Maria Cervantes
Oscar De Los Santos
Joshua Garcia Torres
Destiny Hayward
Jekeia Jounrney
Arman Khandoker
Allan Schneider
Jessica Shearer
Sallie Mae Scholarship Endowment Fund
Wyatt Reed
Sheridan Community Schools Scholarship Foundation Fund
Rachel Adams
Tabitha Allen
Craig Atkinson
Garrett Davis
Josaphine DeVaney
Austen Ehrie
Emma Hawn
Wyatt Reed
Emma Tomaszewski
Nixon Williams
Renee Zachery
Sociedad Amigos De Colombia De Indiana Inc. Scholarship Fund
Grecia Calleja-Inzunza
Austen Ehrie
Alicia Martinez
Ana Mendoza Lopez
Anghy Ramos
St. Catherine of Alexandria Scholarship Fund
Olivia Thomas
Jessenia Vega Martinez
Steve Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lindsay Maxwell
TeenWorks Scholarship Fund
Sarai Abrajan
Ameedat Adedokun
Atinuke Ayangade
Trevan Brown
Maria De Leon
Chasie Estep
Jazmyn Gatson
Destiny Hayward
Jekeia Jounrney
Lisett Navarrete
Efemo Omorogbe
Jessica Patterson
Brock Pellam
Brittney Rheaume
Elycia Simmons
Brittany Slack
Danai Thomas
Jenna Whittenburg
Terry L. Hunsucker Endowed Scholarship Fund
Lindsey Schroeder
The Indianapolis Foundation Community Scholarship Fund
Annie Acevedo
Jekeia Jounrney
Kiara Kamara
Jessica Patterson
Winifer Pichardo Valdez
Lal Thang
The Reeves Foundation Scholarship Fund
Zoey Hunsinger
Kori Wright
Viola Pfaff Bowman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Julia Momper
Walter Blackburn Scholarship Fund
Christopher Pack
Wilbur L. Appel, Sr. and Gertrude S. Appel Scholarship Fund
Clara Valentine
Wings to Fly II Scholarship Fund
Elias Benson
Amelia Crabtree
Braya Daratony
Collin Gray
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